A large gathering of people in Colombia, many of them holding the Colombian flag, in front of a prominent federal building, possibly a cathedral or government structure, with law enforcement officials in the foreground.


At Fundación Participe, we believe that health justice is fundamental to an equitable and resilient society. However, many people in Colombia and around the world lack access to affordable care, prevention resources, or basic conditions for well-being. Pressing health problems, from malnutrition to pandemics, aggravate social vulnerabilities if they are not addressed at their roots.

The way forward requires us to bring health equity to the forefront of the conversation about sustainability. Because our planetary future depends on communities that are empowered and able to care for their most vulnerable members.

In this spirit, we seek to build participatory platforms that channel the knowledge of patients, caregivers and front-line health workers into responsive policies and research. We also intend to expand prevention and care to marginalized groups through local associations that bring together public and community stakeholders.

Participe Foundation urges health institutions, leaders and fellow citizens to recognize access to health as an ethical imperative. Existing remedies could save countless lives if barriers were removed. Future pandemics could be mitigated if all nations shared research and resources. Today, we have the tools to elevate human dignity through health justice in our country and around the world.

Therefore, we invite you to join us in making health equity a reality as a cornerstone of an inclusive and resilient future here in Colombia and around the world. If health is truly a fundamental human right, then accepting it collectively is fundamental to making our humanity a reality.

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